
Monday, 24 June 2019

Wero WhiteWater Park

On the 21st of June we went on a trip to Wero WhiteWater Park. When we got there we first got into the water and learnt how to cross the river and after that we were then able to go and  raft. We rafted around the whole place only 3 times. After that we had a swim. Then we rafted back to where they got the rafts from.
I enjoyed that trip because we learnt how to raft. Learning to  rafting was also our first trip of the term. 

Wednesday, 12 June 2019

Silver Corn Beef

Today at Tech we had some beef... no, not fighting beef but FOOD BEEF! Well, silver corn beef.

The ingredients to make it were

Step 1.  Slice your meat and boil with - cabbage,potato,carrot,onion we also added cauliflower  and broccoli .

Step 2. if you want to spice up your food you can use salt,pepper or chilli power

Step 3. Make sure you clean up the area you made the food

Flu Vaccine Shortage In New Zealand

Around all of New Zealand there as been a shortage of Flu Vaccine. A week into flu season only 1.3 million  people around New Zealand have taken their flu shots. That is almost the same flu shots that were taken last year.

I think having a flu vaccine shortage is bad because if the vaccine runs out that means the people that didn't get their shots wont be as immune to sickness and then they will get sick and if they are in public they might get people around them sick and that is not good.

Tuesday, 11 June 2019

England Breakfast at Tamaki College

English Breakfast recipe/steps

step 1. Toast the bread in the oven
step 2. fry the sausage, bacon and egg
step 3. heat up the bake beans

1. get a white plate and out your sausage bacon and egg on the plate
2. get your toast and butter it if you want to and put the bake beans on your bread if you want to.